The Beauty of Life

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Take That Risk

I am taking risks. I am changing. I am giving my body grace, honor, and wholeness. I am letting God lead me to new places. I am listening, and I am obeying. I have cried and I have feared; but I am allowing those emotions with confidence in myself. I am trusting my decisions, because…

The Mystery

The last four months my brain has been writing non stop. The problem is, nothing has gotten onto this blog, or onto paper for that matter. I have had many thoughts, many ideas, and countless emotions. I have found myself in moments of hopelessness and moments of despair. None of these feelings have had any…


I wrote this poem last year. It is not written perfectly, but it speaks from my heart. It is about the haunting (my past), and I revised parts of it for the present. This is for the love of my life, Dustin. He has been anointed to rescue me, and to love me as Jesus…

Self Discovery

I’m sitting on a rock; its size is large and shape uneven. My feet dangle in the muddy wetland, and tiny fish nibble at my feet. Rain drops trickle down, creating circles in the water that grow. Within those circles, the reflection of the trees stare back at me. Dead tree limbs fall through the…

Past, Present, Future

I sat outside in my parents backyard looking around while remembering childhood and the beauty of innocence. I could see myself riding a bike through a road made out of leaves, making mud pies, and climbing trees. I cried. I then thought about how badly I wanted to grow up back then. I cried more.…

Found Romance

I am selfish and the romance that swarmed my presence daily for a whole year can get lost. What matters is that I recognize when I lose it. The romance of life cannot be hidden, yet my mind is still searching for it in open fields. I’ve lost it, but it is never too late…

Thank you, Wild Lover.

I’ve been praying to my Wild Lover to infuse my brain with inspiration. Two months have passed, and I haven’t felt like writing. The reality is, every day of my life is an inspiration because beauty is constant. My mind writes a continuous story with every waking moment, so much so that I cannot retain…

My Testimony

this is the day I graduated Mercy Multiplied this past summer, July 27th, 2021. I lived 12 years in a very dark place….and I mean dark. If you knew me then, you would not even recognize me. I got to a lethal alcohol intoxication daily, hooked up with strangers, smoked cigarettes and got up to…

To: Wild Lover

5/19/2021 My face began to gleam, butterflies took over. I’m seen! Only to awake, it was all a dream. How could I be so naïve? I was only enough for a moment, until a better woman walked in. I was only enough for a moment, until he grew tired of me. There I was again.…

The Bathroom Floor

Today I have felt a heaviness surrounding me. I have been processing it with Jesus and I realized that I can compare it to the heaviness I felt on one of the nights I cut myself. I hear Jesus telling me to share a part of my story. This is a part of my story…


Here is a poem I wrote in a field with the sun beaming down on me. Life isn’t easy. Sorrow , despair, disappointment, it’s all real. But how could I know beauty without sorrow? It doesn’t have to be dark forever, it can be a breakthrough to the light. Somehow, in the midst of it…

Beauty In Sexual Healing

This is an assignment response that I did while I was at Mercy to the book “Unwanted” by Jay Stringer. I highly suggest this book to anyone with a sexually broken past like myself. I am still on a journey of sexual healing- and it is actually a beautiful thing. I run into the pain…

Phases and Steadfast Love

How much life has shifted in just a month. The never ending battle of spiritual warfare, the waves of emotions, busy schedule, and doing things that I don’t feel like doing. it’s all enough to get me down quite often. I haven’t been in the Word in 5 days. I haven’t been in the woods…

Overcoming Smoking by the Love of Jesus!

December 19, 2020 at 11:30 AM was the last time I took a drag from a cigarette.  I tried my first cigarette with some friends at a park when I was 16 years old. That first drag made me dizzy, sick to my stomach, and I was laying in bed miserable the rest of the…

Tragedy and Testimony: The Death of Brodie Joseph Reed

September 13, 2021. The day that the devil took away my most precious gift, my Brodie. On September 13th, I decided to drive down to Louisiana to spend time with Dustin for a few days. Naturally, I wanted to bring Brodie with me. I knew that he loved road trips and he would be excited…

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